Right to Food

https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4veKFjgm-k/?igsh=MTZidXM4dTZreXkxcQ== Michael Fakhri, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, calls out the nations of the world at the UN Human Rights Council, even those allegedly supporting Palestine, for doing nothing to stop the ....

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Masking at Concerts

Bobby Foster on masking at concerts https://www.tiktok.com/@iambobbyfoster/video/7343046416945794350 Imani Barbarin on masking at Concerts https://www.tiktok.com/@crutches_and_spice/video/7343457129887665454 Claudia Alick on Masking at Events https://www.tiktok.com/@claudiaalicklove/video/7345173397283851563

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wearing a mask and christian faith

https://www.tiktok.com/@lizzietraveler/video/7344500091719290155 #stitch with @Maya perhaps you need to reread the #bible because #jesuschrist was pretty clear that helping others is paramount to #christian faith and #wearingamask is a small thing to do to protect others. #protecteachother #maskup #disabledlivesmatter #covid19 #thepandemicisntoverjustbecauseyouroverit

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